2008 June 11-14, Denver

Wednesday June 11th

MCANA Registration – 3:00 – 4:30   

Lobby – Downtown Comfort Inn

NPAC Registration and press pass  – 9:00 a.m. on –

Colorado Conv. Ctr. Press / Media room (#208)

Opening Night Reception (5:00 – 7:00 pm)

Sponsored by Colorado Music Alliance

Rialto Café – 934 16th Street

(303) 893-2233 – www.rialtocafe.com

Colorado Symphony (7:30)

Boettcher Concert Hall

Denver Performing Arts Complex

Thursday June 12th

NPAC Registration and press pass  – 9:00 a.m. on –

Colorado Conv. Ctr. Press / Media room (#208)

9:00 a.m. MCANA Session (Ballroom B)

Blogging: Blah-blah or Brilliance?

An examination of blogging trends; a how-to on making the most of a blog; a look at the variety of quality, or lack of same, in the classical music blogosphere.  Panelists include Peter W. Goodman, Hofstra University and Newsday; Andrew Druckenbrod, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette;  Frank J. Oteri, NewMusicBox; and Doug McLennan, editor of ArtsJounral.

12:30 p.m. MCANA Session (Ballroom B)

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra music director Marin Alsop will discuss a wide range of issues in a session for MCANA members.  Boxed lunch will be served to all registered MCANA members.

2:00 – 2:30 p.m. NEA OPERA HONORS

Room 109 at the Convention Center

NPAC Events throughout the day

Central City Opera – The Rape of Lucretia

6:00 pm – bus leaves Denver for CCO from

Marriott City Center – 1701 California Street

Dinner for MCANA Members courtesy of CCO.  Performance begins at 8:30 pm

Friday, June 13   

9:00 a.m. MCANA Session (Ballroom B)

Not So Much Fun with Critics: The day after an NPAC panel called “Fun with Critics,” this session will examine what happens when a critic is perceived to have an agenda, negative or positive; how that critic is perceived by performers, presenters, press representatives; questions of tone, responsibility and fairness.  Panelists include Mary Lou Falcone of M.L. Falcone, Jessica Lustig of 21C Media, Susan Elliott, MusicalAmerica.com; Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra president Fred Bronstein;  Sarah Bryan Miller, St. Louis Post-Dispatch; and Jim Oestreich, New York Times

3:15 – 4:45 p.m.  Writers Workshop with Jim Oestreich

By pre-arrangement only – (Ballroom B)

NPAC Events throughout the day

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

MCANA Sponsored Closing Night Dinner

(Central City Room)

7:30 Opera Colorado Nixon in China

Ellie Caulkins Opera House

Denver Performing Arts Complex

Saturday, June 14                  

9:00 a.m.

MCANA Annual Business Meeting

(Ballroom B)

NPAC Events throughout the day

Denver Locations

A  MCANA Headquarters –Comfort Inn Downtown

          321 17th Street, Denver  (303) 312-5927

               Lobby – (registration table)

               Ballroom B

               Central City Room

C   Colorado Symphony

Boettcher Concert Hall

Denver Performing Arts Complex

950 13th Street

Central City Opera

124 Eureka Street – Central City

Transportation provided for

 MCANA Members (see D below)

C   Opera Colorado

Ellie Caulkins Opera House

Denver Performing Arts Complex

950 13th Street

B   Rialto Café

934 16th Street – (303) 893-2233

D   Mariott City Center (CCO Bus Departure)

1701 California Street – (303) 297-1300

E    NPAC Events

Colorado Convention Center

700 14th Street